Preventive Advice

Only big companies can afford to employ a company jurist. Yet a private lawyer, who knows your business well, is of great importance, as he or she can prevent many legal problems and in the role of expert and mediator, may seek creative solutions to prevent from going to the Court. The conduct of a procedure is time-consuming, costly and disrupts lasting relationship. In short, a private lawyer can save your company a lot of aggravation and savings and ensure that a lasting healthy business arises. The costs you can save are not located in the stage where there is already an insoluble legal conflict, but at the stage that precedes this. After all, if your company takes care of obvious labor agreements, contracts, general terms and conditions and generally obtains legal advice in advance, you will still come into conflict only in extreme cases. Even then, often by invoking mediation to find a solution to the conflict, will lead for both parties to a more constructive solution with less cost than conducting a procedure.

The most desirable situation arises when the same jurist can occur as a lawyer if a procedure is necessary. There is significantly less costs and risks involved as the the lawyer knows your business, knows how the conflict has arisen and is involved in the history.

Also cooperation as a sparring partner with your company jurist prevents a lot of problems that can occur. A lawyer looks at the problem from a different angle than a corporate jurist usually does. The lawyer knows from experience where a conflict may lead to if it goes to trial, and takes this into account in its opinion.

Also, for individuals is early legal advice important.
It is increasingly common that individuals need legal advice or getting involved in legal proceedings. For example, rent and leasing of private property, … Then it is wise to seek legal advice early.